“Ever since I got involved in missions 25 years ago it’s been on my heart to see more Latins serving in cross-cultural fields. After coordinating and assisting in 5 mission training programs, and facing many challenges and hurdles to see our trainees serving in those fields, often the question arise, why keep training Venezuelans if it is such an ordeal for them to raise support or why do we continue to invest our efforts in a few?
It’s been a humbling experience to train workers in Venezuela and to rely completely on God to make a way for them to the fields, and my answer is quite simple, God is working in us Resilience.
To continue challenging the local church when missions is not its priority.
To keep on believing in the call that God ignited in the hearts of his people.
To resist the temptation to leave the country, “looking for a better future” away from God’s will.
To trust in God’s favor and provision in all circumstances.
Thanks to the Father, who has eternal purposes with the Venezuelan people. He continues to call, move, and supply for them and very soon we will have more Venezuelans joining the training program Pioneer Initiative in Paraguay, aiming to serve cross-culturally.”
Iniciativa Pionera 2.0 – Paraguay
"El evento más fotogénico fue nuestro viaje de campamento el fin de semana pasado, a una antigua cantera con aguas profundas en su base, un lugar popular en un país tan plano. Llevamos vivos con nosotros nuestra cena de pollo, pescamos nuestro desayuno de pescado y descendimos en rápel a todos. el...