La cabra muerta

Dic 24, 2023 | Stories

La insurgencia militante islamista es el trasfondo de gran parte de lo que está sucediendo en África occidental. Además del sufrimiento que sufren tanto musulmanes como cristianos con millones de personas obligadas a huir de sus hogares, la iglesia es cada vez más un objetivo. Varios de nuestros amigos han sido atacados, secuestrados o asesinados. Pero en muchos lugares, la iglesia continúa resistiendo y extendiendo la mano con amor y el evangelio.

One pastor, together with his sons and several boys from his church, were faced with the choice to abandon Christ and join the jihadists, or be killed. They chose to be killed rather than deny Christ, and were executed. When he heard this, another pastor said:

“First, I was devastated, but then I thought: ‘No! He has overcome! He remained faithful until death.’ And when I too reached the point that I was willing to die, the fear went. It’s like we Fulani say: “Mbeewa mbaatunga hulataa labi.” – “The dead goat is not afraid of the knife”

Muslim Fulani are seeking to get to know Jesus, having read about him in the Quran, and Jesus is revealing himself to them. A Fulani Christian was witnessing to his friend, Muusa, over several months. One night, in a dream, a glowing white figure came to Muusa, saying: “Muusa, I want you to follow God, and to follow Jesus. Do you hear?” Muusa nodded, and the figure left. Muusa said: “I came to myself, and rushed out of the hut to look for him, but he had disappeared. That day I told my Christian friend, and he brought me to Jesus.”

Fulani Christians are also using what they receive to serve their Muslim neighbours, with food aid, trauma healing, clean water, kids’ clubs, and more. And because of this, more and more are wanting to know about the good news of the love of God in Christ. So the church among the Fulani suffers, witnesses, serves, and grows, and Jesus, the Good Shepherd, continues to look for lost sheep and carry them back to God the Father.

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