North America

We desire to see new fellowships emerge in cities where there currently is none

World Horizons USA has had a presence in Richmond, Virginia since the 1990s. Over the years we have seen many people sent out to the nations. At various times our focus has been on developing work in France, Turkey and the Middle East, although team members serve in many more places than these.

Our focus has been on prayerfully and strategically developing new initiatives in partnership with other expressions of World Horizons around the globe. Our Richmond team serves in four main ways: The administrative and pastoral support of our team members around the world; advocacy, education, and promotion toward opportunities to serve in the nations; and local outreach to refugees and migrants.

Our team has two major aims: church planting and ministry training.  We have sent families to cities around Türkiye to assist nationals in local church planting. Our team also maintains active and supportive relationships with local believers in areas where there are no churches. We are praying for the Lord to provide workers that we can send to partner with local believers in planting fellowships in these unreached regions. 

Every year, new groups of local believers gather to live in a prayer-based community setting and receive applied training for ministry. Equipping participants to discover their part in mission, the training builds towards cross-cultural ministry placements in other cities and countries. The vision is to see local believers equipped to share the gospel and lead ministry in their own countries as well as in other nations. 

Who do we serve in North America?

We serve among ethnic Turks, Kurds, or Arabs. We also serve asylum seekers and refugee candidates fleeing conflict throughout the surrounding region. Most of our ministry is conducted in Turkish but we also are involved in ministries in the Arabic and Persian languages.

How do we serve?

Our projects are aimed toward local church development and ministry training. We also carry out projects that impact Turkish society with the gospel, including art ministry, business development and earthquake relief initiatives. We team with local believers to plant churches in unreached provinces, and teach and mentor in training programs for future leaders in the Turkish and Arabic-speaking church.  

What is our vision for North America?

We receive ongoing requests for expanded art ministry, including spiritual art therapy workshops, creating original works to enhance worship and generate interest in local churches, and engaging the community through collaborative projects. We also identify Turkish-speaking and Arabic-speaking groups in various provinces without leadership. We desire additional workers to partner with local believers and establish fellowships in these underserved areas.

Want to know more about North America?

Ways to Serve:

Art Gallery Management, Church Planting, Evangelism & Discipleship (Arabic or Turkish), Hospitality, IT & Communications, Ministry Training, Visual Arts and Crafts

What skills are needed?

We need artists, Arabic language disciplers, and pioneering church planters. Many of these skills (like language or artistic ability) could be learned on the field, but we are looking for people who will devote themselves to the field of ministry they choose. We also have a need for people with IT and business skills to develop websites and social media campaigns within Turkey. 

Where we make Jesus known