We believe everyone has a part to play in loving God and loving others among all peoples.
We help people to join the mission field through familiarisation, on-boarding, language acquisition, professional development, ongoing pastoral support, prayer and the prophetic all around the world.
Discover some of our short-term placement opportunities to join us below.

Loving God and loving others among all peoples.

North Africa Cities
Come, and work with us alongside Arabs and mountain people in a city.
Teams are based in two North African cities. They run businesses, build strong friendships in the local community, and pray, asking that God’s kingdom would come among the people they meet in their day-to-day lives.
Local women artisans create crafts using traditional skills and techniques. A team member supports these women through a small business that sells a selection of these crafts. A placement is available for female participants to help with this venture.
There are also opportunities to take part in expeditions and experience a taster program.
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A choice between two North African cities.
People Groups
North African Arabs and mountain peoples.
Two culturally rich cities with populations that have been influenced by Arab, Christian and Islamic civilizations. Friendly in nature, hospitality is at the core of their culture; meals are traditionally eaten together from one shared dish. Most identify as Muslims and, as well as speaking Arabic, they have their own language. French is also spoken, particularly among younger people.
Team Vision
In the face of everyday discrimination, indigenous Christians are continuing to persevere in following Jesus. The team’s vision is to support and encourage these local Christians as well as reach out to families with the love of Jesus. The long-term goal is to see Christian communities established.

North Africa Coastal Town
Come, and work with us alongside nomads on the desert coast.
A water-sports business run by the World Horizons team is expanding. This business would benefit from people with specific water-sports skills or those with general experience in customer service, electrics, construction, or DIY.
The World Horizons team in this part of North Africa pray for their community and have seen transformation in their town. If you have a desire to pray, the team warmly welcome you to join them in a daily rhythm of worship and prayer for God’s kingdom to come among the nomads.
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A coastal town on the edge of the desert and the sea.
People Group
Desert nomads
The nomads are a people who love the desert; however, much of life now happens in the town. Time is not a priority in traditional culture but people are; and having tea together with others is essential. Most Nomads in North Africa identify as Muslim. The local nomadic dialect takes Arabic as a foundation and then mixes in some European languages and some pre-Arabic words. French, Spanish and English are also spoken.
Team Vision
There are no known churches among the desert nomads. The team has a vision to see flourishing Christian communities that function in a relevant way within the nomadic culture.
Team Strategy
To learn the language, run businesses, and build strong friendships. That people they meet in their day-to-day lives hear about the good news of Jesus Christ.
The approximate cost is $75 per week per person plus flights and insurance. Costs will vary depending on the time of year you visit, length of stay or type of placement.
Application Requirements
Those under 18 will need to apply and come with an adult who is responsible for them.
It is preferable for those aged 18-21 applying for a longer placement to come with at least one other person.
All can apply for the placements listed, although there are local cultural gender expectations that we would discuss with you before arrival to help you prepare.

North Africa Mountain Town
Come, and work with us among mountain people in the foothills.
Help guide international groups and local clients in the mountains. Opportunities in this North African mountain town would be particularly suitable for applicants with experience in trekking or adventure sports. There are also opportunities for applicants with experience in childcare and teaching or for those who would like to experience a taster program.
The team also welcome you to join them in a regular rhythm of worship and prayer for God’s kingdom to come among the mountain people.
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A vibrant town in the foothills.
People Group
Mountain peoples
Mountain peoples are hardworking, and proud. Friendly in nature, hospitality is at the core of their culture. Most also identify as Muslims and, as well as speaking Arabic, they have their own language. French and English are spoken, particularly among younger people. Although mountainous areas have a very simple and basic lifestyle, most villages have electricity and running water as well as their own internal means of communication.
Team Vision
In the face of everyday discrimination, indigenous Christians are persevering in following Jesus. The team’s vision is to develop relationships and encourage people who live in the mountain villages of the region.
Team Strategy
To learn the language, run businesses, and build strong supportive friendships that show love and share hope. To pray regularly for their community.
The approximate cost is $375 per month per person plus flights and insurance. Costs will vary depending on the time of year you visit, length of stay or type of placement.

Northern France
Come, and work with us alongside French and immigrant communities in Thumeries.
The World Horizons team in Northern France has a chateau that is run as a hospitality centre. Placements at the Chateau du Paradis in Thumeries, near Lille, would be particularly suitable for those with experience in plumbing, electrics, carpentry, decorating, gardening or catering. French is useful but not essential.
There is also an opportunity to support outreach activities with nearby immigrant communities. For those looking to develop their French, there is the option to focus on language.
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Northern France, to the south of Lille.
People Group
French and local immigrant communities.
Society in this region is secular, like many others in France. Many people would say, without understanding the contradiction, that they are French, atheist and Catholic.
Thumeries is a commuter village lying between the Lille metropolis to the north, a traditional agricultural area to the east and a former mining area to the south. Immigrants (notably Polish and North Africans) came to work in the mines. However, the closure of the mines has left many social problems including unemployment amongst the young. While Polish and Arabic are still spoken by some, French is the main language. Taking part in clubs and other local activities is a major way of meeting people.
Team Vision
The team vision is to be a positive influence in the area through a living expression of faith in Jesus.

Southwest France
Come, and work with us alongside the people of the Pays Basque Region.
Arts festivals featuring pop-up galleries and live music will be launched across the region during the summer months. Come and join the road team who are setting up these events.
Placements in the Pays Basque region would be particularly suitable for those with experience in the arts, sound technology, interpreting, or catering. There are also opportunities for people with practical skills in plastering, electrics, carpentry, painting and decorating at the World Horizons community house. For those looking to develop their French, there is the option to focus on language.
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Southwest France bordering Spain. Towns and villages in the Basque country, the Coast, and the Pyrenees.
People Group
French and Basque living in both France and Northern Spain.
French and Basque, both urban and rural. The Basque Country is a cross-border cultural region that has a distinctive culture including its own language, customs, festivals, and music. It is known for its festivals which take place all year round. Over and above the folklore aspect, Basque Country dance is a way of saluting or thanking somebody or solemnizing a religious or social event.
World Horizons is an intergenerational and culturally diverse international movement.

Asia Minor – Eastern Mediterranean
Come, and work with us alongside Turkish speakers, international students and migrant workers in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Play your part in what God is doing in the Eastern Mediterranean; learn about the culture, language and ministry in a Muslim context, and discern what God is doing in your own life.
There are only three or four Turkish speaking congregations and just a handful of workers on the island. The World Horizons team in the Eastern Mediterranean work with one of those churches and are committed to seeing it grow.
There are also thousands of international students and migrant workers from Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa in the Eastern Mediterranean. The church hosts a weekly Bible study meeting in English which is geared towards international students. This has become a kind of second congregation and has opened up new doors of ministry.
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We work on an island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
People Group
Turkish speakers, international students and migrant workers from Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
The south of the island is Greek-speaking and is a member of the European Union. The north side of the island is Turkish-speaking and predominantly Muslim. Only Turkey recognizes it as an independent nation. The rest of the world considers it to be occupied territory. Still, it has its own borders, for which you need a passport to cross. The official population is approximately 400,000, but that figure doesn’t take into account the large numbers of tourists that come and go throughout the year.
Team Vision
The vision is to ‘make disciples of all nations’ as the team use a coffee roastery and a small natural wine production company to help the church to grow on the island and beyond.
The approximate cost of the training programme is $350 per week per person plus flights and insurance. Costs include accommodation, food, mobile phone costs, transportation, ministry travel expenses, language lessons, toiletries, and a small admin fee towards the Eastern Mediterranean ministry fund.
Application Requirement
Those under 18 will need to apply and come with an adult who is responsible for them.

Asia Minor – Türkiye (Turkey)
Come, and work with us among Turks, refugees and minority ethnic groups in Turkey.
The Mozaik Arts and Culture Centre in Ankara, run by the World Horizons team in Turkey, is a place that brings together those who know Jesus and those who have never heard of him. Placements in Ankara would be particularly suitable for those with artistic and creative skills. There are also opportunities to pray with the team and help with English conversation clubs. For those with basic level Arabic or a desire to learn the language, there is the opportunity to serve refugees and help disciple the growing Arabic speaking church in Ankara and nearby cities.
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Ankara, Çanakkale, Istanbul and other central Anatolian provinces.
People Group
Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Arabic-speaking refugees from Syria and Iraq, Farsi-speaking refugees from Afghanistan and Iran.
Turkey sits between East and West, drawing elements from both to produce its own unique blend of culture. Arabic, Farsi and Kurdish are spoken in addition to Turkish.
Team Vision
To prayerfully serve together alongside the local church. To see believers discipled and new churches started among the Turkish people.
The approximate cost is $225 per week per person plus flights and insurance. This includes accommodation, groceries and utilities, public transport, low personal costs, language learning and ministry travel.
Application Requirement
Those under 18 will need to apply and come with an adult who is responsible for them.

Are you ready to explore your future?
Book a discovery call with us to begin your journey
At World Horizons we want to journey with you as you explore what that calling might look like and show you how to live it so that you can play your part in building the Kingdom of God.