Our heart is to train people to go to unreached peoples both within and outside of Paraguay.
Paraguay has two official languages, Spanish and Guaraní (along with Jopará, a mixture of both). The majority of the Paraguayan population considers itself Catholic, with figures from Vatican City indicating that Paraguay is the Latin American country with the highest percentage of Catholics, and it is also the only Latin American country where Catholicism exceeds 85% of the total population.
Paraguay is the country with the smallest decline rate in Catholicism (4% decline between 1996 and 2013). On the other hand, the growth of the Protestant church is less than the decline of the Catholic church. The largest Protestant denominations in Paraguay are Mennonites, followed by Baptists, Reformed Baptists, Presbyterians, and Pentecostals.
Located in the city of Coronel Oviedo, “Mundo Horizontes Paraguay” has had a team in Paraguay since 2016. In the same year we founded a church in a suburban neighborhood of the city where there was no church presence. In addition to religious services, we work with the children of the neighborhood teaching them the Word of God and giving them lunch every Saturday.

We started a ministry training indigenous workers. We rented a house in the city to serve as an office and missionary base. We carried out a project called “January in Missions” and are launching the Pioneer Initiative 2023 training programme.
Who do we serve in Paraguay?
Paraguay has a population of 7,554,796 inhabitants. Our city Coronel Oviedo has a little more than 130,000 inhabitants, however, we also work with some Guarani-speaking indigenous peoples in other parts of the national territory.
How do we serve?
We have a church in the city of Coronel Oviedo and a church in the city of Carayaó. We work with a children’s club, meal distribution centre, and serve food at the regional hospital. We also work with the training of national workers and missionaries.
What is our vision for Paraguay?
To mobilize southern Countries like Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay to prepare workers from these nations to go to the unreached peoples, and also use Paraguay as an intermediary sending field.

Ways to Serve:
Children and Family Ministry, Evangelism and Discipleship, Pastoring, Theology Classes, Hospitality, Visual Arts and Crafts, Music, Youth and Family Ministry
What skills are needed?
Church mobilizers, pastors, musicians, evangelists and teachers.