Our members work both with their local churches and in specific tribal groups.
We are called to function as catalysts for missions. Rather than being at the spotlight of missions, we aim at bringing together people from different missions agencies, denominations and churches to see God working through their individual expressions to harvest His fields.

God has opened more opportunities for our field to connect with fellow missionaries from other agencies who are serving Amerindian groups. This has resulted in a stronger community sense where we collaborate with one another in our specific labors. For example, both of our teams working with Warao people have been able to minister to them more often as they are able to collaborate with workers from other ministries to get transport by river, medical supplies, clothes and other materials. We are seeing a strengthening of church mobilization from within our members and strategic alliances being formed to place workers that we have trained. Some of them are working in Asia, Africa and Southeast Asia and others are serving with local ministries and churches.
Who do we serve in Venezuela?
Our country has an approximate population of 28.2 million people who form a melting pot of cultures and ethnicities. Our members work both with their local churches and in specific tribal groups.
How do we serve?
We have three teams working with the Warao and Piaroa people. They run literacy and other social programs aimed at equipping native leaders. They also provide discipleship and ministry skills. Other workers mobilize the church, increasing missions’ awareness and training more workers for short- and long-term missions.
What is our vision for Venezuela?
We envision a mobilized church that results in the growth of number of workers for more local and overseas ministries and base-related work. Provided that we had more resources, we would like to place more workers in our local Amerindian communities and overseas.

Ways to Serve:
Business as Mission, Church Planting, Evangelism & Discipleship, Primary School Development
What skills are needed?
Passionate prayer-oriented people, written and verbal communicators, Graphic designers, Photographers, Computer Skills, Organization, Content creation, Research, Accounting, Adaptability and reliability.