Prayer Houses

We understand that there is no growth in God’s Kingdom without prayer. Therefore, we have established one House of Prayer (open 24-7) with our partners and aim to open another by the end of 2017. These buildings are open to the wider Christian community to intercede for the nation and the world.

Church Planting &
Mission Institute

We aim to establish more house churches in towns without a fellowship and amongst remote, unreached tribes. We use public showings of the Jesus film, prayer ministry and the Discovery Bible Study method to share faith.

Plans are being made to construct a Mission Training Institute in the south of the country to mobilize and mentor national Christians to be sent to the unreached tribes of Chad and beyond.

Children’s House & Primary School kids kingdom?

Through engagement with street children Mission Evangélique Esperance workers saw a desperate need for a permanent home for orphans in their area. A few members started by taking children into their own home and now, after much prayer, land has been purchased and a building is under construction for a Children’s House. ‘House Parents’ will be recruited and carefully trained. 

A school will also be set-up on the site, to initially care for the educational needs of those living in the Children’s House, however it is hoped other families living nearby will be able to send their children there in the future.

Medical Ministry

Mission Evangélique Esperance aims to provide for the needs of those who don’t have access to medical help either because of a lack of money, or their location.

We currently run short medical trips to remote villages and assist people in our immediate community with medical needs. We hope to expand this work with establishing a clinic in N’Djamena, once appropriate workers are recruited.

Please pray with us for the right people to join us! Or if you are a healthcare professional and want to help, get in touch.

Women’s Ministry

In Chad widowed or abandoned women often struggle with raising a family alone and lack skills for employment. Many carry emotional wounds which need healing. We offer such ladies training in small business skills at our vocational centre (see below) and opportunities to grow spiritually and emotionally strong through bible study and prayer ministry sessions.

We hope to raise-up leaders from among the women we work with, both for the church and to be champions for change in their own communities.

Professional & Technical Skills Training Centre

Through equipping the unemployed with new skills the Mission Evangélique Esperance hopes to help energize the local economy. Enabling small business to be established that meet practical needs in the community and provide an income for those currently without work. As well as restoring dignity and giving purpose, the team use the centre (established in 2011) to share the love of Christ and talk about his impact on their own lives, inviting students to Bible Studies and church outside of training times if they choose.

We currently offer training in:

  • Professional skills:
    languages and computer training

  • Setting-up small business’

  • Crafts

In the future we hope to expand subjects to include:

  • Plumbing, electrical engineering, air-conditioning technical repair work and carpentry.

  • Community healthcare and development work

Farming Ministry

In 2009 a plot of land was purchased to feed poor families, (especially widows and orphans). They work the land, whilst simultaneously receiving training. They get to keep and eat whatever they grow: beans, rice and fast-growing fruit trees such as papaya.

A second piece of land has been bought next to the Children’s House, to similarly train and feed the children. In the future we hope to develop other training programmes in livestock management, forestry and fish farming.

Small Business Trainees