Un mouvement missionnaire pour les aventuriers qui veulent faire connaître Jésus à travers le monde

Nous offrons une formation pratique et formons des équipes dans des endroits établis ou explorons de nouveaux endroits ensemble. Nous montrons aux gens comment construire une base de soutien pour vivre et travailler de manière durable afin qu'ils puissent suivre l'appel de Dieu.

Notre rêve c'est à voir adeptes passionnés de Jésus de autour du monde devenir des faiseurs de disciples dans les nations.

Have you ever wanted to serve God but didn’t know où commencer?

Nous avons été à votre place, avons commis de nombreuses erreurs et avons beaucoup appris en cours de route.
We’ve helped countless people discern their call and supported them to get on the mission field.

Where we make Jesus known

Nous pouvons vous aider à passer à l'étape suivante

With decades of invaluable experience, a global network of contacts and teams on every continent, we would love to help you learn to approach missions in a sustainable and practical way.



Nous croyons que la vie est une grande aventure

and that every person has the potential to pioneer new ways of doing new things and to explore what God has for them.
Nous avons personnalisé nos programmes de formation pour travailler avec différentes personnes à différentes phases de la vie.

Des articles de la communauté

Pioneer Initiative 2.0 – Paraguay
Pioneer Initiative 2.0 – Paraguay

"The most photogenic event was our camping trip last weekend, to an old quarry with deep water at its base – a popular spot in such a flat country.  We carried alive with us our chicken dinner, caught our fish breakfast, and rappelled everyone down the...

Training in Venezuela
Training in Venezuela

Deepa, has served with World Horizons for more than twenty years. She and her husband Jesus Ayala, served in South Asia for ten years before returning to Venezuela to lead the training of Venezuelan mission candidates.

The Dead Goat
The Dead Goat

The militant Islamist insurgency is background to much that is happening in West Africa. As well as suffering brought to Muslims and Christians alike with millions of people forced to flee their homes, the church is increasingly targeted. Several of our friends have been attacked, kidnapped, or killed. But in many places, the church continues to stand, and to reach out with love and the gospel.